Thursday, June 4, 2009

design factory bratislava

22.05. exhibition re:cycle (curator:Leonne Cuppen-Yksi) has been opened by the dutch ambassador at design factory Bratislava. Since a long time i wanted to visit this remarkable city because i heard they had the same struggle fighting to keep some 70s architecture as we had in Berlin. It happened by accident, that we checked in, in one of the major buildings of the argument; hotel Kiev. 
Design factory is a great place with very nice people, an island and playground for people who love design within a new rising Bratislava with a skyline of mostly boring high buildings covered in glass - like many other cities we know. 


DG Rodrigo G. Da cunha said...
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DG Rodrigo G. Da cunha said...

Hola colegas!!! soy diseñador gráfico de Argentina, y conence con esto del reciclado de gomas por incursionar en algo de diseño textil, por ahora hago todo de forma muy artesanal y el trabajo esta gustando mucho. Les escribo porque realmente me impresiono hasta donde llegaron ustedes, con ese taller de diseño y reciclado Felicitaciones!!! y ojala estemos en contacto.

DG Rodrigo da cunha